Core basics of VIM
More like a cheat sheet

While most text-editors focus on inserting text/code Vim primarily focuses on making changes and that is exactly what sets it a class apart from all other text editors.

VIM stands for VI iMproved, where VI was a text editor from the good’ol UNIX times.

Syntax of the language:
One only needs to remember a handful of so-called commands/rules in order to enjoy VIM in its complete glory. Moreover, at the end of the day it all boils down to how creative you get at using the commands to your advantage than a memorization game. That is precisely why it is loved even to this day.

Just know these as commandments:

1. You can type into your document only in insert mode

2. Syntax to execute commands ALWAYS follow the form = VERB + NOUN

that means, every single command is a combination of a verb and a noun. For example, if you wanted to delete a word, the syntax would be DELETE + WORD where delete and word are the word and noun respectively.

What other verbs and nouns are available? here are a few:


d - delete
c - change (deletes and puts you in insert mode)
> - indent
v - visually select
y - yank(copy)
/ - Search


w - word
iw - inner word
it - inner tag
i - inner quotes
ip - inner paragraph
as - a sentence

Ideas? comments? suggestions for improvement?
Feel free to reach me on my E-mail

"A chance not taken is an opportunity missed."