One Script to rule them all
Install ROS Noetic with a single command

So you wanna’ install ROS? But you can’t be bothered to go to the ROS website, copy paste all the commands one-by-one while waiting for the binaries to download?

Don’t you worry I’ve got you covered.

You will find the script in my repository and here is a link to it.

Note: Please note that it currently installs the desktop-full version of ros on Ubuntu releases. This includes Gazebo, rviz and everything. While “howmuch” of ROS you want to install can be easily changed by editing line 29, the limitation on Ubuntu releases is something I will tackle in the future. (There is no timeline but, it doesn’t have the highest priority on my TODO list)

Ideas? comments? suggestions for improvement?
Feel free to reach me on my E-mail

"A chance not taken is an opportunity missed."